Public speaking is a process in which an individual speaks before an audience, small or large, in order to influence them, educate them, entertain them or persuade them.

Not all renowned public speakers were born with public speaking skills. Most of them gradually learnt the art of public speaking and became remarkable speakers. Public speaking is a skill that you may or may not have right from your birth. It can be learned and developed with preparation and practice.

can public speaking be learned

Even if you are an introvert, you can still be an excellent speaker and leave a great impact on your audience.

In our life, we all get an opportunity to speak before an audience. This can be during our school or college life or during a presentation in the office or an annual meet of the office etc.

Here are some ways to learn public speaking:


It is the most important part of the learning process of public speaking. And when do we practice? When we have an opportunity of speaking before an audience. So, it is important to grab as many opportunities as you can get to face the audience.

Keep moving ahead

There may be instances where you might fail, where you might not get a positive response from your audience but it is important to keep yourself in high spirit even in such times. Keep practising and keep moving ahead.

Learn from your mistakes

If in one speech, you do not get the desired result, analyze yourself what you could have done better, how you can improve in the next one, what mistakes should be avoided.

Don’t run after perfection

In public speaking, a connection between the speaker and the audience is what matters the most. This connection would make your audience want to hear more from you. So, pay attention to developing that connection instead of striving to become a perfectionist in whatever you do. 

Be prepared for the unforeseen too

Even if you have prepared your best, it is still quite possible that something may go wrong: issues with technology, challenges may come up while using audio-visual aids, the presentation might not work, etc. Do not let these issues hamper your presentation. Being prepared for the worse would help you stay calm and focused in such situations.

Record yourself while practicing

Some people are camera shy, do not like to record themselves or see themselves on camera. But you would be amazed to see the result once you start recording yourself while practising. You would be able to analyze your speech better, where you are fumbling, which part needs improvement, where you are lacking body language and voice modulation etc. Do give it a try.

Join a public speaking course

Many online and offline public speaking courses are available these days. These courses can be really helpful in providing you with a brief understanding of public speaking skills. These courses are conducted under the guidance of a public speaking trainer having many years of experience in the field of public speaking. If you are really serious about improving your public speaking skills, then you must start searching for such courses and join the best one.

Benefit of a Public Speaking Course

  • You would be guided by a trainer with a lot of experience
  • You would know how to work on your body language, voice modulation, facial expressions, pauses in speech etc. so that they are impactful
  • You would be given a platform to speak
  • You would be given impromptu speech topics for practice.
  • You would be helped in overcoming your stage fear

Public speaking courses help in many more things apart from those mentioned above. The duration of these courses may vary. So, research well before joining a course.

At Anurag Aggarwal Institute, we offer public speaking courses specially designed for people who have stage fear, who lack confidence in facing the audience, giving a presentation. The trainer, Mr Anurag Aggarwal, has been proving public speaking training since May 2000. The course can be done either online or offline. If you wish to get more info, connect with us and get confident.

Don’t forget that public speaking can be learned by anyone and everyone willing to do so.  

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